
Rivo Veski,

Rivo Veski, This afternoon, an unexpected view of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) opens: at the midnight a concrete slab with concrete panels arrives at the platform, and two cranes spread their girths to raise a 50-meter STT-panels TABLE. After the opening, the table is painted and the benches are set up.

Opening Friday night on Thursday night, i.e., on the 10th of May at 00.00.

Gallery TABLE is a city project of the Kumu Art Museum exhibition "Garden Inspection" in the center of Tallinn. Instead of a gallery with a traditional white wall, it marks a space of 50 meters in length, which is "covered" with different events during the summer.

Asukoht EKA krundil aktiveerib kesklinna trööstitult tühja parklaga ala ja loob alternatiivseid võimalusi nii kunstiürituste kui ka muude ettevõtmiste korraldamiseks.

LAUD pakub vahetut kunstikogemust väljakult möödujale - see on kohtumis- ja koosolemispaik, kus toimuvad töötoad, näitused, performance’id, filmi- ja muusikasündmused, piknikud ja peod. Külastajad on oodatud LAUDA aktiivselt kasutama. Kolm aastat tagasi alustati kunstiakadeemia lammutamist. Krundi ajutise hõivamisega toome EKA taas oma krundile.

The gallery and the venue will remain open until September 9.

The initiators and project leaders of the project are Eve Arpo and Grete Veskiväli from You Must relax. Contributors: Lauri Eltermaa, Joel Kopli, Koit Ojaliiv, Juhan Rohtla, Ahti Grünberg and Tõnis Kalve. The soundtrack is created by Taavi Tulev.

AS E-Betoonelement has entered into a contract with AS Merko Ehitus Eesti to design, manufacture and transport reinforced concrete elements for the construction of Peetri Selver.

Peetri Selver will be located on the exit road from Tallinn immediately outside the city border on the right side of Tartu highway, address Veesaare tee 2, Rae Rural Municipality, Harju County.

The total surface area of the Selver to be built will be nearly 6,500 square meters, of which 3,000 square meters will be covered with a sales room, 1,000 square meters with different leased spaces and a parking lot with 350 parking spaces.

AS E-Betoonelement's contracting will end in May this year; the building will be completed in November this year.

April 24, 2013 in the morning a casualty accident was sustained at AS E-Betoonelement Harku factory. In the finished product warehouse was made reloading of the panels. In the course of the reshaping, the worker hovered beside the element that was next to the movable concrete unit. The employee died due to injuries on the spot.

The more precise circumstances of an accident at work are in the investigation.

We express our deepest condolences due to death to the loved ones


Vaido Leosk


Designers and all other interested parties can now download the cross sections of hollow core slabs for use in AutoCAD as well as Tekla from the web page of E-Betoonelement, plus also TT cross sections for Tekla. Furthermore the load charts of hollow core slabs have been added to the cross sections in the Picture field in Tekla, in order to simplify preliminary selection. Picture lahtrisse eelvaliku lihtsustamiseks õõnespaneelide koormusgraafikud.

Cross sections are available here.


Have a pleasant use!

You can meet with the CABRO team on Wednesday next week in Tartu at the Rural Fair, a big exhibition taking place every spring.

The fair primarily introduces two brands and products: Acontank™ circle containers and Aconsilo™ silos. Kalle Kõllo, manager of CABRO's environmental and agricultural products division, elaborates on silos, "This year, we have updated the silos by using sulfur-resistant concrete in the wall elements. This ensures that the concrete of walls has a considerably better resistance to the impacts of aggressive silage, thus significantly prolonging the service life of silo containers."

The fair takes place at AS Tartu Näitused exhibition centre from 18 to 20 April and is open on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9. a.m. to 5 p.m.

Read more:

See you at the fair, in box A-34!

Kaisa Gabral, Äripaev

Kaisa Gabral, Business Day in the Statistical Office of Estonia, said that building materials producers were among those who had nicely grown in February this year. According to Meelis Einstein, Head of the Building Materials Manufacturers Association, the projects started last year brought growth.

"In many ways, the growth of projects started last year came to an end. Exactly, more work was done, but in January, February and March there are quiet months in construction.

"This growth, as it was in February, we probably did not see in the year," added the entrepreneur and could not reveal a specific company that would have been more successful than others.

Building materials are mainly exported to neighboring countries. "Scandinavia, Latvia, Lithuania are slightly less than Russia," Einestein listed.

Speaking of February's exports, it could also be a bit of a boost to the February boom.

The following months will probably not show such growth, like in the spring. "With the current picture, this is not real. We look forward to staying at this year's level. It's possible that there is a slight increase, but not hoping for such an increase as in February, "he added.

Kaisa Gabral, Äripaev

Kaisa Gabral, Äripäev The Statistical Office of Estonia announced that building materials manufacturers were among those who had nicely grown in February this year. E-Betainelement keeps exporting on target. "

"Meie tööstusel on see teema, et võrreldes eelmise aastaga on kohalik turg samal tasemel, kuid me oleme üritanud leida väljundit väljapoole. Ehitajad ennustavad turu langust ja me oleme väljastpoolt aktiivsust otsinud,” märkis E-Betoonelement ASi juht Vaido Leosk.

"We are targeting export markets because local markets are not very optimistic. We mainly export to the Scandinavian countries, "Leosk added.

For the following months Leosk predicted a slight increase in the sector as a whole, but certainly not as optimistic as in February. The previous year, the Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association is pleased. However, for 2013, building materials manufacturers are more modest.

According to the turnover of enterprises (12 months of 2012, million euros), 10 of the best manufacturers of construction materials were the following companies:
1. OÜ Krimelte 76
2. AS Pipelife Eesti 27
3. AS Rudus 25,1
4. AS Saint-Gobain Ehitustooted 24
5. AS E-Betoonelement 21,7
6. AS Nordkalk 21
7. AS Saku Metall 19,1
8. AS TMB 13,5
9. AS Viking Window 12,9
10. AS Metus-Est 11,3
11. OÜ T-Tammer 9,9

Source: Association of Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers

Inga Jakobson,

Betoonelement is part of the Finnish railway construction project, which links the northern neighbors to the capital of Vantaa. The transaction price leaves the concrete producer confidential, stating that it will remain between one and five million euros.

"E-Betoonelemendile on tehing mitmeski võtmes märkimisväärne," rääkis E-Betoonelemendi juht Vaido Leosk. "Tegu on suure projektiga ning pikaajalise tootmisega," selgitas ta ja lisas, et see võimaldab tasakaalustada tootmist. Leping sõlmiti eelmise aasta detsembris ning tööd kestavad orienteeruvalt ühe aasta.
"Eesti turu projektid on tihti väga kokkusurutud tähtaegadega ja pingelised ega võimalda tootmist optimaalselt kasutada," märkis Leosk. Tema arvates teadvustatakse Soome ehitus- ning elemenditootmise sektoris Eestist paremini ühtlase tootmisvoo mõju üldisele efektiivsusele.

E-Betoonelement tehingu täpset numbrit avalikustada ei soovinud. "Jääb miljoni ja viie miljoni vahepeale," ütles Vaido Leosk. "Kahjuks pole meil õigust lepingu detaile täpsemalt avaldada," lisas ettevõtte turundusspetsialist Mari-Liis Tenno. "Selle projekti puhul sõlmis E-Betoonelement lepingu oma sõsarettevõttega, mistõttu me konkurentide ja hangete teemat ei kommenteeriks," ütles ta.

Leoski sõnul on see neile uus kogemus. "Tegu on infrastruktuuri projektiga. E-Betoonelement ei ole infrastruktuuriprojektidele Soome varem elemente tarninud," rääkis ta. E-Betoonelemendi jaoks on sisuliselt tegemist ka uue tootega. "Usun, et selle projekti kogemused leiavad rakendamist ka tuleviku tunneliprojektides nii Eestis kui Soomes," ütles Leosk.

The total cost of railways in Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to be completed in 2015 is 675 million. Arcuate ceilings for this protective tunnel from reinforced concrete are supplied to the Finnish partner by the Estonian company E-Betoonelement.
In September 2012, the cost of an underground airport was estimated at 655 million euros, the railway project linking Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to Helsinki became more expensive when the underground of the airport proved to be more acidic than expected.
"Kaitsetunnel kujutab endast kalju sisse lõhatud tunnelisse omakorda monteeritavast raudbetoonist tunneli konstruktsiooni rajamist, mis kaetakse spetsiaalse membraaniga," selgitas Tenno. Tema sõnul on tööd Parma OYga ära jagatud nii, et kahe ca 750 meetri pikkuse paralleelse kaitsetunneli konstruktsiooni seinaelemendid valmistab ja tarnib Parma OY ning tunneli lae kaarelemendid AS E-Betoonelement. "Meile teadaolevalt sellel lõigul teisi tarnijaid ei ole," lisas Tenno.

What is what
The E-Betoonelement supplies around 800 large arc elements and about 100 smaller ones for the protection tunnel.
The length of the large arc element (silhouette) is a width of 7.64 x 2.47 x 2.53 m and a mass of 11.5 t per element.
The total weight of the elements is slightly over 10,000 tons.
E-Betoonelement and Parma OY are both members of Consolis OY AB.
It is not necessary to construct a railway with a total length of 18 km for the transport of passengers in the immediate vicinity of Helsinki.
The tunnel part of the airport underpass was launched in 2009 and, according to preliminary plans, it was intended to open up the traffic in 2014, but was postponed for a year, and the railways should be opened in July 2015.
To date, the project budget has increased to 675 million euros. Septermber 2012 amounted to 655 million, before that in March 2010, it was 605 million. The Airport harbour opened last year has won several awards. This week, two awards were added to the Airport - a concrete construction of the year and a marketing mix of the year.

On the concrete day on March 14, the Estonian Concrete Association recognized the winners of the "Concrete Building 2012" contest.

The reconstruction of hangars for airplanes in Tallinn was announced as a concrete building of the year.

Designers Karl Õiger and Heiki Onton were recognized as the main prize for the competition. The commissioner's award went to the Estonian Maritime Museum and the Architecture Prize went to KOKO Architects OÜ.

The hangar for airplanes was designed and built between 1915 and 1917 by the Danish company Christian & Nielsen, at that time in the Mines Harbor.

One of the major challenges of the reconstruction efforts was the filling of cracks in the hangars' domes - the total length of the dangerous cracks in the structure was measured to be 3.6 kilometers.

"In this reconstruction work, innovation is more than in many new buildings.

According to the chairman of the jury, Aadu Kana, the experts call the reconstruction of the hangar's restoration process as the hangars were virtually completely refurbished in 95 years and their condition was very poor.

"One of the leaders in the unprecedented reconstruction process under our circumstances was Professor Karl Õiger of Tallinn University of Technology, who has been involved in the acquisition and development of aviation harbor for 11 years," Kana said.

The competition was also awarded a special prize worthy of recognition for the architectural concept of the Narva College Building of the University of Tartu (Architectural Bureau Kavakava OÜ: Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil, Katrin Koov).

The jury recognised the project as a building that promotes concrete in the best way. "It is a world-class architectural concept that is cleanly consistent to the end. The entire building is very concrete-based, and the interior also shows off concrete well. It is an excellent example of a building where concrete serves architecture," the jury noted.

The jury of the "Concrete building of the Year 2012" competition included representatives from Estonian Construction Association: Estonian Concrete Association - Johannes Pello, Estonian Architects Union - Ralf Lõoke, Estonian Construction Entrepreneurs Association - Indrek Peterson, Estonian Construction Engineers Association - Heiki Meos, Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association - Enno Rebane, Estonian Project Offices Union - Andres Saar, Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury, as well as representatives of construction journalists - Eva Kiisler from the magazine "Ehitaja", Liivi Tamm from the newspaper Äripäev and the Finnish architect Maritta Koivisto from Betoni.

The Estonian Concrete Association is a union that promotes the use of concrete as a building material for domestic use, which includes 49 enterprises, organizations and private individuals.

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